Are you an Autumn type of person?

Are you interested in finding out if you are an AUTUMN WOMAN?
Well, I did some 'research' and this is the "abridged version" of what I read...

Color Analysis for The Autumn Woman

color analysis - autumn woman

The Autumn Woman

White - any except pure white
Beige - warm beige, earth tone beige, camel
Brown - brown, tan, coffee, chocolate, mahogany, bronze
Gray - warm gray
Black - no black except for skirts, pants or mixed in a print
Navy - any navy
Blue - teals and deep periwinkle
Turquoise - in deeper and golden tones
Green - yellow greens, lime, chartreuse, olive, jade and forest
Orange - all oranges, deep peach, apricot, salmon, rust and terra cotta
Pink - no pink
Red - orange-reds, bittersweet, dark tomato
Burgundy - only brown burgundy
Gold - any gold
Yellow - deeper yellow gold
Purple - deep purple
JEWELRY - gold

If you have very dark eyes and black brown hair
you will excel in the darkest colors of the autumn palette
rather than beige, gold or orange.
If your hair, skin, and eyes lean to the lighter side,
then you will enjoy wearing more of the mid-tone colors.

Famous Autum Types!

'Warm Autumns'
look best in the classic colors one sees in autumn:
fallen leaves of brown, yellow, and red; spicey nutmeg and pumpkin orange.
As long as the colors are rich and warm,
they will harmonize wonderfully with a warm autumn’s golden undertones.
Keep the colors in the medium range...
not too deep and not too light.

They are not blended with a cool season,
but instead can blend into the Warm Spring season,
so they can share some of the warmest colors of Spring in their palette.

Power Colors:
Brown (most shades) Orange Khaki
Mustard Olive Yellow Gold

Fuchsia Hot Pink Cool Grey
Pastel Blues Black

Autum Outfits!

Have you noticed the
Hazel & Mae
Autum Outfits!?

We have A WINNER!

And here is the winner
on our Facebook Page!
The contest ended
at 23u59 on 14/09/2011!
Lore Pyls collected 55 LIKES!!

Congrats Lore!
Now go ahead and spend your 12.50€ in our shop! :)

Home Sale!

Op zaterdag 1 oktober
slaan we de handen in elkaar
en gooien we de deuren open
je bent dan van harte welkom
op onze home sale:

Juweeltjes van fleurfatale

Vintage-feel kledij van Hazel & Mae

Notebooks, agenda's en fotografie van Artemysia

een namiddag om jezelf te verwennen
we halen alvast een paar kartonnetjes cava
en leggen de cake-receptjes klaar,
breng gerust je vriendin, (schoon) moeder of buurvrouw mee ;-)

stuur een mailtje naar
als je komt, mailt Greet je het exact adres!
omwille van privacy redenen
zetten we het adres niet online!

Hartelijk Welkom!!

Autumn Greeting

"Come," said the Wind to the Leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold.
For summer is gone and the days grow cold."